What is French New Wave? Background and Revolutionary Techniques

The French New Wave changed the ways movies were made forever and influenced some of the greatest directors of our time. But what is the French New Wave? How did it begin and why? This post will provide you with a definition, a brief historical context, and highlight some key characteristics of the movement from… Continue reading What is French New Wave? Background and Revolutionary Techniques

What Does a Production Designer Do? A Crash Course with Examples

Art DepartmentOpen menu Art Director Production Designer Prop Master Prop Maker Storyboard Artist Concept Artist Scenic Artist Set Decorator Set Dresser Set Designer Weapons Master Ultimate Guide to Film Crew Positions Making a visually stunning film is no easy feat. The goal of a production designer is to immerse you in the world they have… Continue reading What Does a Production Designer Do? A Crash Course with Examples

Create a Successful Micro Budget Film: An Interview With Indie Film Hustle

When we think of micro-budget filmmaking, we think of the film’s budget, distribution, or possibly marketing, as the most crucial element.  The process, after all is one that mystifies and entraps legions of filmmakers. Furthermore, how to navigate the often-frustrating world of ultra low-budget filmmaking is something that escapes even those filmmakers in the midst… Continue reading Create a Successful Micro Budget Film: An Interview With Indie Film Hustle