All your contacts in one place
StudioBinder's film, TV and video contact management software organizes your production's contacts in one easy-to-use interface.
From the EPs to the latest day player, it's all in here and secure. All your contacts, accessible and connected in the only unified production management console you need.
Robust search makes it easy to surface production crew contact information whenever needed.
Make custom lists for cast or crew
Organize your crew members by creating custom lists within our contact management software.
Working on multiple projects? Keep your crew contact info organized and accessible by dividing by production, department, potential hire and more.
Bulk assign entire lists to projects with 2 clicks.
Every phone number and email — safe, secure & organized
Information control is critical to any production. With contact management software, we'll make sure that production contacts are kept safe and sound.
Big A-list clients to misspelt e-mail addresses, they're all treated like the top priority IP that we know they are.
Search, filter, find and move on
No more wasting time trying to find someone's contact info alphabetically with misspelt last names or awkward email addresses.
Contact management software where you can filter contacts by standard film production roles and skill-sets for quicker discovery. Easily change or update contacts with just a click.
Call, email or text crew members on-the-go
Need to get in touch with cast or production crew on set? Don't sift through lengthy staff and crews just to copy and paste into another app.
We optimize every call sheet with contact management software to display phone numbers and emails perfectly on any device.
One tap and you're connected.
Print or share elegant contact sheets. No design needed.
StudioBinder's contact management software makes it easy to print out and distribute a staff and crew.
With just a few clicks, quickly save your staff and crew as an elegant PDF to print, distribute or keep for your records later on.
Trusted by the Best
Modernizing production workflows at renowned studios worldwide.
Manage talent & film crew contacts, all in one place.
Create and share mobile-friendly contact lists, call sheets, calendars and more. Complete video project management for producers & coordinators.