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By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Action Romantic Animation Thriller Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror Fantasy Western Musical War ResourcesOpen menu Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Write Your Script for… Continue reading Best Free Drama Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)
By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Action Romantic Animation Thriller Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror Fantasy Western Musical War ResourcesOpen menu Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Write Your Script for… Continue reading Best Free Comedy Scripts Online (PDF Downloads)
EssentialsOpen menu What is Sound Design What Does a Sound Designer Do Sound Editing vs Sound Mixing What is Voice Over What is a Foley Artist What is Diegetic Sound What is Non-Diegetic Sound What is a Film Score What is Asynchronous Sound What is Music Licensing What is a Film Composer What is a… Continue reading Succession Theme Song — How the Soundtrack Tells a Story
Brad Pitt is one of the most iconic American actors today, simultaneously revered for his good looks and depth as an actor. In this list, we’re going to rank the best Brad Pitt movies. The ranking of these films are in regards to their quality and impact, not Brad Pitt’s performance. But every film on the… Continue reading Best Brad Pitt Movies List — Top Films Ranked
Typically, films and television shows utilize dialogue and action to communicate information to an audience. But what if you want a character to speak directly to an audience? One of the best tools to do this is the aside. What is an aside in literature and film? Asides have been used in plays throughout history.… Continue reading What is an Aside — Examples & Literary Device Explained
For the most part, filmmakers strive to make audiences forget that they are in fact an audience watching a film. They work to make the film completely immersive. But sometimes filmmakers intentionally draw attention to the medium being used by breaking the fourth wall. While not all stories benefit from such interruptions, here are the… Continue reading 15 Movies That Break the Fourth Wall (Besides Deadpool)
Shot SizeShot FramingCamera AnglesCamera FocusCamera GearCamera MovementCamera Lenses As cameras have become smaller over time, new technology is constantly being invented to move them in every direction possible. Understanding the effects of the different types of camera movements in film is essential for every filmmaker to understand. It not only makes them better cinematographers or… Continue reading Types of Camera Movements in Film Explained: Definitive Guide
The ending of a screenplay is often more important than the 90 pages that preceded it. Due to the magnitude of its importance, many writers struggle to conclude their scripts with proper resolution. Don’t worry though, we’re going to show you everything you need to know about how to end a screenplay, with basic script… Continue reading How to End a Screenplay: Basic Script Format Explained
By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Action Romantic Animation Thriller Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror Fantasy Western Musical War ResourcesOpen menu Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Write Your Script for… Continue reading Explore and Read the Best Free Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)
Is there any better feeling than winning an argument? Fortunately, Aristotle gave us the key to doing just that millennia ago. The Greek philosopher laid out three key components to persuading an audience that continue to be relevant today. So what is the rhetorical triangle? And how can you use it?Continue reading What is the… Continue reading What is the Rhetorical Triangle — Definition & Case Study
Best of…20102011201220132014201520162017201820192010-2019 Cinema had a wide-ranging scope in 2015. Mad Max: Fury Road proved there was still room for high-concept, big-budget spectacle. And then you had films like Tangerine, filmed on an iPhone, to tell the intimate story of a transgender sex worker. 2015 proved filmmakers haven’t run out of ideas yet as long as… Continue reading The Best Movies of 2015 — The Year in Review