Animation takes patience, attention to detail, boundless creativity, and more patience. The beauty of the artform is that, if you are willing to put the work in, there is no image you can’t create, no world you can’t immerse your viewer into. And yet, despite its endless possibilities, most narrative animators follow a certain set… Continue reading What are the 12 Principles of Animation — Ultimate Guide
Animation BasicsOpen menu What is Animation Types of Animation What is Pre-Production in Animation What Does an Animator Do What is Cel Animation What is Pixilation Animation What is Tweening in Animation What is Anime What is Claymation What are Keyframe What is Persistence of Vision What is Stop Motion Animation What is Rotoscope Animation… Continue reading Types of Animation — Styles, Genres & Techniques
Animation BasicsOpen menu What is Animation Types of Animation What is Pre-Production in Animation What Does an Animator Do What is Cel Animation What is Pixilation Animation What is Tweening in Animation What is Anime What is Claymation What are Keyframe What is Persistence of Vision What is Stop Motion Animation What is Rotoscope Animation… Continue reading Best Hayao Miyazaki Movies — Celebrating a Life in Animation
There are a lot of great kids movies to watch, whether you’re looking for something to show your children, niece/nephews, classroom, etc. – or you’re just looking to reconnect with your childhood. We’re going to rank the best kids movies of all time based on three criteria: visuals, creativity, and moral/insightful message. Note: we tried to… Continue reading Best Kids Movies of All Time — Classics Every Kid Should See
Animation BasicsOpen menu What is Animation Types of Animation What is Pre-Production in Animation What Does an Animator Do What is Cel Animation What is Pixilation Animation What is Tweening in Animation What is Anime What is Claymation What are Keyframe What is Persistence of Vision What is Stop Motion Animation What is Rotoscope Animation… Continue reading Best Animated Movies of All Time — From Aardman to Zootopia